Relationship and Couples Therapy

Learning to hear and understand the perspective of the partner without attacking, criticising blaming, or defending is a core relationship skill. One person’s believe and behaviours is affecting the other’s. This does not mean that the responsibility of the problem is always equally distributed.

Once difficulties have been identified and understood to be relational they can be interrupted and change and the therapist takes the lead role in utilising interventions to achieve this change. This might involve addressing the cognitions, emotions, behaviours or meanings that each person brings to the relational problem and teaching specific communication and behavioural skills (CICS).

Erotic intelligence is about creating distance, then bringing that space to life (E. Perel).

Why consider couples therapy?

A mutual satisfying and fulfilling relationship leads to mental and physical wellbeing. I am able to help with...

Relationships issues

Same sex relationships

Issues with intercultural relationships

Wanting to grow healthy in a relationship

Gender identity issues

Poor communication / lack of trust/ affairs

Sexual issues

Porn ‘addiction’

Compulsive sexual behaviour


Low desire

Sexual Discrepancy

Please get in touch, – You have walked most of this path of burden alone, let me help.

Psychosexual Therapy

Sex. Almost everyone does it, but almost no one wants to talk about it. It is a paradox when you consider how vital sex is to human life. For centuries, societies around the world defines sex as just one thing; penis-in-vagina intercourse within the context of marriage for the purpose of procreation. Any other form of genital stimulation was not only viewed as sinful, but it could potentially get you thrown in jail or, in some case put to death (L Leimiller 2014).

My philosophy is ‘Sex positive’, on the topics of health, sexuality and pleasure with respect and NOT shame, NOT guilt, on the platform of (a) gender and sexual orientation, (b) promoting health and respectful sexual and romantic relationships (c) respecting peoples who have different views about sex, (d) respecting culture and religious views, e) supporting principles of sexual health.

Psychosexual therapy can help to overcome myths and traditions that been imposed by society in the understanding of sex. Remember people do not talk of sex, nevertheless sexual function difficulties; however, you are not alone.

Sex therapy can help with problems such as:

Erectile dysfunction

Ejaculatory difficulties


Vulval pain

Loss of sexual desire

Arousal difficulties including orgasm problems

Sexual identity

Couples Therapy

Idiosyncratic masturbation

Infrequent sex

Compulsive Sexual Behaviour

Penetration difficulties on intercourse

Phobias from early physical sexual abuse

Anxious performance

Relationships and Diversity

Sex therapist have the responsibility to develop cultural competence and knowledge in all areas of sexuality and sexual identity. Clients request sex therapy when their sexual preference is experienced as problematic, either because they believe it to be shamefully unusual or out of control or damaging their relationship.

As a Gender Sexuality, Relationship Diversity (GSDRD) psychosexual therapist, I am interested in exploring intersectionality. I was born in South America therefore I understand client’s own culture dynamics and intercultural relationships, from language to traditions.

I would be able to assist you with: Gender roles, issue within a cross/intercultural relationship, queer roles, religious believes in sexual communication, expectation of a partner from ones own culture and neurodiversity relationships.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how psychosexual and relationship therapy works, or to arrange an initial appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to therapy, whether it could be helpful for you, and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07511 522 68 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

©Crystal Layers

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